Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do I Exist?

This is not a philosophical query.
Sometimes I wonder.

It's hard not to when you've been flat-out ignored by every company or person you've ever sent your stuff to. Remember when I said that I often wondered if my phone or e-mail was malfunctioning? This is in the same vein, but on a much, much deeper level.

I understand that the current economic state means that every HR rep is constantly flooded with résumés, clever cover letters, voicemails, e-mails, etc. I am not expecting people to contact me if they don't want anything to do with me. But I have dealt with some rather odd occurrences in my job search that led me to ask if my existence was merely a figment of my own imagination (although, if that were the case, even my imagination would be a figment of my imagination.. oh, it never ends!)

In one case, I was contacted by an HR rep who wanted to speak to me about an opening I'd applied for. I was volunteering at the time, so I called her back immediately upon returning home. I left my name, number and a detailed message, as I'd been taught to do back in the Girl Scouts. (Remember that?) After several days went by, I was quite puzzled. I followed up with an e-mail. Still no response. What the heck was going on? Had I dreamed up that initial phone call? Eventually (roughly two weeks later) I got an generic, automated e-mail stating that I unfortunately did not closely match the requirements for this position.

More things have happened to lead to this feeling of invisibility..

So, either I don't exist.... or, I suck. And I just pinched myself to confirm that the former is false. Ow.

My Web site is shoddy. My cover letters are either too generic or too raw. My writing is entirely too dependent on alliterations, puns and rhymes. There, I've got the ball rolling.... now I am reaching out to you, requesting your honest criticism.
Let me have it.


  1. Wow KT, I swear I saw your car the other day....but then I realized it was just a mirage...


    While I think the $122,000 figure quoted in this article is probably only true for Perez Hilton, it does highlight some interesting directions you may be able to take this blog. And by interesting, I mean lucrative. :)
