Friday, November 6, 2009

The Waiting Game

Guys and girls, you know the drill. You meet someone and go out on a date. Everything is pleasant- the conversation, the food, the laughs. It seems like you have a lot in common. In short, everything goes well. You don't like to kiss and tell, but you can't help but brag to your friends about what a great date you had.

Then......... it begins. The Waiting Game. Girls, you're waiting for that call. You know, the one that says, "I had a great time. Let's do it again." If you're the guy, you might have called her already (I don't care what anyone or any stupid book says, there is NO rule about exactly when to call) and are waiting for a response.

I never went on a lot of 'first dates' in my youth. (Now you're chuckling because you know that I'm only 25 and a half.) But I'm experiencing all of this now. Minus the free dinners. And awkward hugs.

Interviews are like first dates. There's awkward small talk in the elevator. Suddenly, you're thrust into a one-on-one conversation with someone you do not know and the pressure is on to make the absolute best impression possible. You're supposed to mirror their body images, make eye contact, and act interested in everything they say, while boasting about your skills, hobbies and past experiences.

Then, if all seemingly goes well, you're left with a business card and a glimmer of hope.
"We'll let you know very soon."

..... and The Waiting Game begins.


  1. At least you got an interview...

  2. work, dating... you end up getting screwed either way. :)

    (that said, i hope you hear good news soon!)
